Just $1/Minute Intro Offer

We Charge 60% LESS than our competitors!

Tons spot-on predictions in our newsletter.

Start a Psychic Telephone Reading: 2 Easy Options

By Phone: Call 1-800-498-8777. Nothing to do online. Simply follow the prompts on our secure telephone line. You are in control of how much time you want at all times.

By Website: Register for FREE!

1) Log in

2) Select the Psychic of your choice for a Psychic reading.

3) Select the increment of time you would like

4) Once approved, from our secured site, our system will telephone you back within seconds.

Please note: this Website call back feature is available in the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, India, and Sweden. All other locations click here.

Start a Psychic Chat Reading


By Website: Register for FREE!

1) Log in

2) Select the Psychic of your choice for a Psychic reading.

3) Select the increment of time you would like

4) Once approved, our secured site, connect you with our Psychic

Start a Psychic Email Reading

You can also get a reading through email by clicking here.


We have been in business since 2001. All Readers on APN are tested before hire. Our readers do not "join" us. Instead, they perform a live reading for the HR Director. Only 2-3% of reader applicants pass our test. Usually, from 400 applicants, we hire about 2. The test is straight forward. The Psychic applicant must give a live reading, and it must be accurate with the past and the present. Also, clarity and strong reading style techniques are required.

We never say our Psychics are the BEST, instead, our clients say it for us. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and blog and watch our Psychics forecast worldly events and public figures that have come true. Our track record is viewable for you to observe.

We have Free Psychic Reading events that are announced, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter. We offer an introductory rate for first-time clients. Our rates thereafter are 60% less than our competitors!
Yes! You are eligible for 3 Minutes Daily. Also, lookout for Coupon Codes and special promotions via email.
Your registration and credit card information is in the highest security SSL and encrypted to ensure your privacy. This information is not accessible to any third party nor the psychic. Your registration and financial information are protected at all times.
Simply dial 001-775-328-0246 and follow the prompts. You would need to order via the telephone instead of the web.
Order your Psychic Telephone or Chat Reading online. You will get 3 Minutes FREE Daily with a reader you havent tried.
We monitor quality at all times. Therefore, if you feel the Psychic is not connecting with you, end the call and contact us within 24 hours. We will look to investigate it further.
Submit your request to customerservice@absolutelypsychic.com