MARION> Hello everyone, welcome

MARION> I'll take a few moments to introduce myself to you

MARION> I'm Marion

MARION> I have been reading the tarot for a really long time now

MARION> and I have specialized in love and relationships, because it's such an important area in people's lives

MARION> I really love my job here at absolutelypsychic

MARION> it was hard to get selected, because they only pick the best :-)

MARION> but they hired me, and I really love my job

MARION> it is very rewarding to be able to help people

MARION> I'm from the Netherlands

MARION> because that's a completely different timezone

MARION> I work at odd hours ;-)

MARION> I work from very very late in the evening

MARION> until early in the evening

MARION> until around 7 pm

MARION> the tarot scene is very different in the Netherlands

MARION> very different from the USA

MARION> we use the same decks, but readings are usually done in person, not through the internet

MARION> welcome, to all the people who joined during my introduction :-


MARION> the readings will be lasting five minutes each, but I will be available after the party in case any of you would like to discuss some of what we uncover now in further detail

MARION> have fun! I'm looking forward to reading for all of you!

MARION> let's see who the computer will select first....

MARION> Visitor1, you're first

Visitor1> hi ?

MARION> how can I help you?

Visitor1> Will I be able to make my wife happy gain?

Visitor1> again

MARION> ok :-)

MARION> thanks for your question

MARION> I will draw 3 cards to gain some insight into this situation

Visitor1> ok

MARION> the high priest tells me you have a traditional relationship

Visitor1> well for the most part

MARION> your relationship is arranged in a traditional way

MARION> right now

MARION> the 3 of pentacles tells me

Visitor1> but I also do some of the housekeeping

MARION> you are doing some things together though

MARION> not dividing everything, but doing things together

MARION> for the future

MARION> the 6 of swords tells me

MARION> this may change in the future

Visitor1> I must learn to do that


Visitor1> I often try to figure things out myself

MARION> in the future, you may be forced to change that

Visitor1> without consulting my wife

MARION> are you thinking about having children?

Visitor1> Its getting better and better lately

MARION> because that may be an important change

Visitor1> yes, we are

MARION> that may cause you to drift apart a little

MARION> just keep consulting her, and make her feel special ;-)

Visitor1> thank you, I will =)

MARION> I hope I've helped with your question, and thank you so much for consulting me

MARION> relationship issues are often very important in people's lives

MARION> that's why it's very important to have a good relationship

MARION> let's see who the computer will select next

MARION> Visitor2, you're next :-)


MARION> thanks for consulting me

MARION> I will draw 3 cards again

MARION> the 4 of swords tells me you have been withdrawing from him in the past

MARION> withdrawing emotionally

MARION> and right now, you regret that

MARION> that's what the 5 of cups indicates

MARION> regret over things in the past

MARION> in the future

MARION> the strength card tells me

VISITOR2> thats true

MARION> you will regain your strength again

MARION> right now it's scary to try to reach him again

MARION> but in the future you will be able to do it

MARION> and talk things out with him

MARION> so that's good news :-)

VISITOR2> really?


MARION> you won't be withdrawing any longer

MARION> I wish you the best, and thank you for coming tonight :-)

MARION> ok, I will let the computer select again

MARION> hi Visitor3, how can I help you?

Visitor3> hello

Visitor3> my finances are a mess are things going to improve soon?

MARION> I will draw 3 cards

MARION> let's see what we got here

MARION> the 4 of swords tells me

MARION> you have been a little negligent

MARION> that caused your financial problems

Visitor3> yep

MARION> and now, the moon tells me you are taking the courage to clear things up

Visitor3> yep

MARION> but it's very scary for you

MARION> and it won't happen overnight

Visitor3> thats right

MARION> let's see what the future cards tells me

MARION> it's the high priest

MARION> you will get help

MARION> from an official somehow

MARION> perhaps a lawyer, or an accountant

MARION> someone who will help you sort things out

Visitor3> um

MARION> so try to find someone to help you

MARION> you won't be able to do it alone

MARION> there must be agencies who can help you

Visitor3> do you see it all working out

MARION> yes, once you get help, you will work it out :-)

MARION> thank you for consulting me, I wish you all the best

MARION> the interesting thing is

MARION> the 4 of swords came up in two readings so far

MARION> one about relationships

MARION> and one about finances

MARION> so you see, that's how the tarot works

MARION> it works for every question ;-)

MARION> the 4 of swords talks about stepping out, withdrawing

MARION> taking time to recover

MARION> or about negligence

MARION> it can work in lots of ways

MARION> that;s why I chose the tarot to work with

MARION> don't worry if you haven't been selected yet, I will do my best to help all of you


MARION> ok, I will let the computer select again

MARION> Visitor4, the system selected you next :-)

MARION> how can I help you?

Visitor4> Hello and thank you.  Would like to know where things may be headed as far as  relationship I am in.

MARION> I will draw 3 cards :-)

MARION> the first card I drew is Judgment

MARION> this card tells me you have had to make a decision in the past

MARION> an important one

MARION> affecting your relationship

MARION> right now you are wondering

MARION> whether to leave him or not

MARION> the 9 of pentacles tells me

Visitor4> Sort of yes

MARION> you are wondering if you could make it on your own

Visitor4> Well I am already on my own..

Visitor4> I live alone..

MARION> yes, but you are still in the relationship, aren't you?

MARION> it can be hard to give up your independance

Visitor4> Yes, but it is a distance relationship...

MARION> but you are afraid for a change in that?

MARION> the future card is the lovers

Visitor4> Not reallly.

MARION> the lovers tells me

MARION> that a serious commitment may be around the corner

MARION> perhaps he will propose, or he will want to live together

Visitor4> What is around the corner as far as time you know that?

MARION> I cannot pinpoint a time frame with a quick 3 card spread like the one I have done, but I can tell you that

MARION> it will be rather soon

Visitor4> I don't mean tomorrow, but I don't mean 10 yrs from now

MARION> now, rather months :-)


MARION> I hope I've helped with your question, and thank you so much for consulting me

Visitor4> Thank you............very much..I appreciate the help..and yes you have.

MARION> I will be here for you after the party or tomorrow if you wish to go into that further

Visitor4> and you sure do love to smile.

Visitor4> :-)

MARION> yes, I do :-)

MARION> I just love my work

MARION> and I love helping people


MARION> and so do the other readers on ap


MARION> so if you are impatient for a reading

MARION> you can always go to the main site and order a reading from a reader that's available

MARION> I will be available for some time after the party too

MARION> Hi Visitor5, you have been selected :-)

Visitor5> Will Joe come back into my life?

MARION> let;s see what we got here

MARION> the page of cups tells me

MARION> there are financial or material issues involved here

MARION> that caused you two to drift apart

MARION> right now you are more ready for him

MARION> the empress tells me that

MARION> you want it to be serious this time

MARION> the future card is very promising

MARION> things will happen fast soon

Visitor5> Yes

MARION> you will get in contact with him again

MARION> when you do, make sure you tell him how you feel

Visitor5> How soon?

MARION> and then there is a chance things will work out

MARION> I cannot pinpoint a time frame with a quick 3 card spread like the one I have done, but it will be soon

MARION> I think weeks, rather than months

Visitor5> Thank you

MARION> I wish you the best, and thank you for coming tonight


MARION> I would like to welcome all the new guests

MARION> who have entered the room

MARION> it's really great to see all of you here


MARION> the empress card has come up twice now

MARION> the empress card often tells about]

MARION> fertility, pregnancy, someone who is ready to start a family

MARION> it's a very happy card

MARION> , I hope I'll be able to get to all of you, but if I can't please feel free to consult me afterwards. I will be available for some time after the party

MARION> ok, let's see who is next

MARION> Visitor6, you have been selected by the system for a reading

MARION> how can I help you?

MARION> are you there?

Visitor6> please tell me about my job/career

MARION> I will :-)

MARION> I will select 3 cards again

MARION> ok, here we go :-)

MARION> the 4 of pentacles tells me

MARION> you have had some hard times

MARION> you have had to fight to keep your job

Visitor6> Yes, Idid

MARION> to keep your income

MARION> this has made you a little scared

MARION> and careful

MARION> right now you are pondering what to do

MARION> did you get a job offer?

Visitor6> No

MARION> you are trying to decide something

MARION> the hanged man tells me you are trying to come up with some solution

MARION> you are feelings things are happening

MARION> you have a hard time controlling them

MARION> peerhaps even afriad

MARION> to loose your job

MARION> let's see what the future card tell me

Visitor6> I already lost my job


MARION> that must be very hard for you

MARION> it's hard to take control again after you loose a job

Visitor6> Absolutely

MARION> the king of swords tells me

MARION> that things may be a blur right now

MARION> but soon you will get things straigthened out

MARION> you will get some insights

MARION> and then you will know what to do

Visitor6> How soon is soon?

MARION> may take some time

MARION> but you can speed up the process

MARION> by thnking things over carefully

Visitor6> how?

MARION> straigthen things out in your mind

MARION> thank you for consulting me, I wish you all the best

Visitor6> Thank you

MARION> apart from relationship issues

MARION> financial issues a crucial too

MARION> because you can't live if you don't have any money

MARION> I know from experience that loosing a job is very hard

MARION> it is very bad for your self esteem

MARION> but if you make it through, you will gain a lot of strength from the experience

MARION> people are good at bouncing back :-)

MARION> ok, I will let the system select again

MARION> make sure you have your question ready everyone

MARION> Visitor7, you're next

Visitor7> hello marion=)   I am wondering if my friend and I will become involved in a romance with each other? If he is interested in that type of relationship with me?Thanks for your help:)

MARION> you're welcome :-)

Visitor7> :)

MARION> ok, I will draw 3 cards

MARION> the first card is the 4 of pentacles

Visitor7> ok

MARION> one of you is trying to protect him/herself

MARION> one of you is afraid of a relationship

Visitor7> him mostly, but both of us

MARION> it's always hard, there is always a possibility to loose a friend

Visitor7> yes

MARION> right now you holding off a little

Visitor7> we have both been burned

MARION> yes, the queen of swords is certainly burned

MARION> let's see what the future card tells me

MARION> the empress

MARION> I think there is a fertile basis for a relationship

MARION> you will both jump, and things will work out :-)

Visitor7> lol

MARION> there is a very good chance you will make each other happy

Visitor7> jump?

MARION> so go for it!


MARION> don't let your fears hold you back

Visitor7> all in the timing

MARION> just open up to him when it feels right

Visitor7> ok

Visitor7> i will

MARION> good luck, and thanks for letting me read for you

Visitor7> thank you

MARION> the empress card showed up AGAIN :-)

MARION> so I guess there is a lot of love in this room tonight lol

MARION> the empress card is a great card to get in a relationship reading

MARION> welcome everyone who joined recently

MARION> it's crowded, but I will do my best to help all of you

MARION> in case I can't help all of you, I will be available after the party

MARION> and tomorrow

MARION> ok, I will let the computer select again

MARION> Visitor8, you have been selected

Visitor8> will larry and i make it?

MARION> ok, we will ask the cards

MARION> there are a lot of active cards

MARION> a lot of things have happened in the past

Visitor8> ok

Visitor8> yes

MARION> you have had a lot of differences of opinions

MARION> even fights

Visitor8> a little

MARION> right now things are changing fast

Visitor8> a lot of good times too

MARION> it's the 8 of wands that tells me that


Visitor8> yes they are

MARION> are you thinking about leaving him? or changing things?

MARION> perhaps set some rules?

Visitor8> yes

Visitor8> but really dont want to

MARION> well, the future card is the sun

MARION> this tells me that

Visitor8> he dont follow rules

MARION> if you do set some rules, there will be a great future for you two

MARION> apparantly he needs it, although he resists them

Visitor8> really

MARION> some men need a little structure :-)

Visitor8> no pregnancy card come up


MARION> but that doesn't mean it won't happen of course

Visitor8> i am a little worried

Visitor8> good

MARION> the sun is very positive, so don't worry

Visitor8> ok

MARION> I wish you the best, and thank you for coming tonight

MARION> the sun is also a very positive card for relationships

MARION> it often predicts a lot of happiness

MARION> ok, let's see who's next


MARION> Visitor9, the computer has chosen you

MARION> how can I help you?

Visitor9> i was wondering how a certain person was feeling and if there is any chance of reconciling this relationship

MARION> ok, I will draw 3 cards

Visitor9> i was wondering how a certain person was feeling and if there was a chance to repair this relationship

Visitor9> sorry couldnt get the hang of this room

Visitor9> lol

MARION> no problem :-)

MARION> the 3 of wands tells me he wants to start something new

MARION> he thinks about getting back together again

MARION> apparantly he is ready now

Visitor9> ok

MARION> it's especially the second card

MARION> that tells me that

MARION> the 10 of cups shows a very happy family

Visitor9> well last night he told me just to let it go ..kind of had words

MARION> yes, but he still loves you

Visitor9> and have been apart for a month

MARION> people say a lot of things during fights

Visitor9> i know

MARION> this card tells me he didn't mean it

MARION> the future card shows the magician

MARION> this is a great card

MARION> it tells me

MARION> that there will be a lot of new chances, a lot of potential

MARION> he will want to work it out

Visitor9> he told me to leave him alone and i made it frim that i would

MARION> don't be discouraged

Visitor9> i know it has potenial ...i just dont know what to do

MARION> let things take it course for now

MARION> but keep in mind things will change

Visitor9> ok

Visitor9> ok

Visitor9> i will sit tight

Visitor9> change for the better??

MARION> thank you for consulting me, I wish you all the best

MARION> yes :-)

MARION> welcome again everyone!

MARION> it has been going great so far

MARION> thanks for being great guests

MARION> ok, I will let the computer select again

MARION> Visitor10, the system has chosen your name for a reading

Visitor10> can you tell me what will happen regarding my marriage/finances?

MARION> ok, I will select the first area if you don't mind

Visitor10> hi


Visitor10> ok

MARION> you are feelings a little insecure in your marriage

MARION> the fool tells me that

Visitor10> yes

MARION> you are afraid you will be left on your own

MARION> right now

Visitor10> that is how I feel yes

MARION> there are some serious issues

MARION> the king of swords tells me that

Visitor10> ok

MARION> you are weighing all youyr options

MARION> and figuring out what to do

Visitor10> do you see a move?

MARION> the future card is the queen of pentacles

MARION> this card tells me

MARION> you will be very comfortable in the future

MARION> you will have a stable life and finances

Visitor10> with him?

MARION> yes, I have a feeling it will be with him

MARION> but either way, you will be fine

Visitor10> good.

MARION> you will be cared for again

MARION> and be able to care again yourself

Visitor10> I have been worried as he wants to send me and the kids too the UK.

MARION> the queen of pents tells you not to worry

MARION> I will be here for you after the party or tomorrow if you wish to go into that further

Visitor10> would he follow,this is what I'm deciding,whether too go or not

Visitor10> ok

MARION> yes, he will follow

MARION> good luck, and I would love to see you back sometime

Visitor10> ty I feel relieved now.Lol!!

Visitor10> ty for reading for me,it was great.TY

MARION> you're welcome

MARION> it was my pleasure :-)

MARION> I'm always happy to help people with my readings

MARION> I'm glad I chose this job

MARION> all the readers on absolutelypsychic are more than happy to help :-)

MARION> ok, I will let the computer select again

MARION> Visitor11, the system has picked you next

Visitor11> When will the time be right and my fiance and I will be married?

MARION> I cannot pinpoint a time frame with a quick 3 card spread like the one I have done, but I will try to get some information

Visitor11> ok

Visitor11> ty

MARION> the knight of wands tells me

MARION> you are very impatient :-)

MARION> you are afraid something will go wrong unless you move fast

Visitor11> not really impatient, doubtful.

Visitor11> yes

MARION> right now, you are trying to take card of her

MARION> take care

MARION> to make everything ready

MARION> in the future

MARION> he will be able to

MARION> take care of you

MARION> you will have a comfortable life together

MARION> there is one active card here, and two passive cards

Visitor11> ok

MARION> so it may take some time

Visitor11> yes, i believe that to be true for both of us.

MARION> but don't worry, you will need that time

MARION> so you can both make the material circumstances

MARION> as best as possible

Visitor11> ok

MARION> so it's best to just go on preparing now

MARION> it will happen :-)

Visitor11> ok, ty

MARION> I hope I've helped with your question, and thank you so much for consulting me

Visitor11> blessings to u

MARION> and to you, thanks

MARION> we are nearing the end of the session though I know I can squeeze in a few more readings

MARION> I'll be here after the party if you didn't get a chance to be read or if you want to get some more details about what came up during the reading

MARION> ok, the computer is selecting again...

MARION> the system recognizes you now, Visitor12

Visitor12> :)

MARION> how can I help you?


Visitor12> would like to know if i will be moving in with gary in the next 2 months

MARION> ok, I will draw 3 cards

Visitor12> or i should say when

Visitor12> lol


MARION> we will see what will come up

MARION> wow, 2 aces!

MARION> this is great, a lot of new chances and beginnings

Visitor12> woohoo!!!!!

MARION> you really love each other

Visitor12> yes we do..:)

MARION> and you really want to get things started

MARION> and chances are good

Visitor12> well i know i

MARION> let's see what the future card brings

MARION> two of wands

MARION> you will definitely move in

MARION> and yes, I think so in the next two months

MARION> or else soon after that

MARION> two active cards

Visitor12> wow.....good news

MARION> yes, indeed!

MARION> I wish you the best, and thank you for coming tonight


Visitor12> would love to spend christmas with hoim

Visitor12> thank you very much

MARION> it looks like I won't be able to help everyone tonight

MARION> I'm on for a bit after the party

MARION> because I live in europe, I'm often on

MARION> from late at night to early in the evening

MARION> you can check my availability announcements for details

MARION> I would love to help all of you!

MARION> so if you are not selected now, I'm happy to help you after the party

MARION> or any other time, when I'm on

MARION> you can also make appointments

MARION> ok, according to the computer one last person will be selected

MARION> remember, if you don't get through

MARION> I'm on after the party

MARION> and the other readers would also be happy to help you :-)

MARION> ok, the computer is selecting again

MARION> Visitor13, you're the last one that;s selected for this party :-)

MARION> how can I help you?

Visitor13> I was wondering if the guy that I am with right now is my soulmate and if u see a baby coming along in the near future

MARION> ok, we will see what comes up

MARION> I will draw 3 cards


MARION> I see things are rather slow right now in your relationship

MARION> the 4 of swords tells me

MARION> one of you is a little withdrawn

Visitor13> ok

MARION> the next card

MARION> the 9 of swords

MARION> tells me that one of you is worrying a lot

Visitor13> that would be me

MARION> are you afraid of lossing him?

Visitor13> yes

MARION> yes, I can see that

MARION> and those worries are making it hard for you two

MARION> you will have to work hard for this relationship

MARION> the 7 of wands came up for the future

MARION> so things will not come naturally

MARION> but if you really want to be with him, you can make things right again

Visitor13> ok

MARION> so I guess a baby will have to wait some time

MARION> until the relationship is stable again

Visitor13> no baby coming along?

MARION> not yet

MARION> first things first

MARION> I wish you the best of luck with this

Visitor13> well im trying to get pregnant right now

MARION> I will be here for you after the party or tomorrow if you wish to go into that further

Visitor13> that is why i am wondering

MARION> yes, I understand

Visitor13> ok

MARION> so now might not be the right time, but don't give up

MARION> ok, the computer won't select again I see

MARION> I'm very sorry I wasn't able to help all of you

MARION> I can't thank all of you enough for coming here

MARION> I will be online and available for readings if any of you would like to explore your questions any further

MARION> you can find me online late at night, and mornings and afternoons

MARION> and if I'm not on, you can check my availability announcement to see when I'm on next

MARION> is has been a great party!

MARION> thanks everyone

MARION> I would love to see some of you again sometime