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A relocation due to a fantastic career offer could end up being more difficult than you imagined.  Postpone making a decision on any job offer until you've thought further about the issues involved.



You've been working very hard and now you crave the attention of your family.  Even your worries about money matters cannot interfere with your pleasure in their company.



Uncertain. If you seem to be confused everyone else could be having the same problem.   Just when you think things are settled something else goes haywire.   Wait!



Unsettled.  An on again off again affair  be off this morning and on again tonight! It  take a genius to figure this one out.



You feel a sense of responsibility toward your children or perhaps even toward all the children in the world.   You think about how you can ensure that their future is secure.



A colleague has an animal companion that needs a home and you consider taking charge of the critter despite the responsibilities you know are involved.   Family members urge you to accept.



You have trouble coping with a shakeup in your routine because you're not mentally prepared for any changes. A vigorous workout or other physical activity gives you the boost you need.



You begin to discover the differences between your needs and a partner's and what that might mean to your relationship. Talking about the matter with the other person could bring additional revelations.



You  have to discipline your unruly emotions in order to be reliable. A partnership issue causes stress   Share your deep feelings and needs with those whom you expect to fulfill them.



You're tired of the status quo and doing things in a traditional manner does not appeal to you either.  Don't let your attitude and feelings cause a breech in an important friendship.



Avoid If someone dumps a hot potato in your lap and it's really not your respon­sibility you know what to do pass it on.



Your problem solving skills will be enhanced if you can relax and open up to the cosmic connections in the universe.  A dream contains a message from your subconscious  pay. attention!